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Saving Money on your Move is Easy

As we all know, if you’re not smart you can end up spending a load of money on anything from a car to professional moving services. Here we want to show you how saving money on your move is easy. Hiring movers do not have to be painstaking. Shop around, call and ask questions, get advice from your parents or friends, and most of all look at the quality of the moving company’s equipment. Poorly maintained and dilapidated equipment usually spells trouble. If the moving equipment is quality but used, that can be a sign that the workers treat their equipment (and hence your furniture) with respect. Also, it is important to check the sides of your mover’s van to see if they have the proper Department of Transportation (DOT) code. According to the US DOT, there are specific placements required for code display. So it should be clearly stated, usually on the driver’s side door near the bottom. If you have a company that doesn’t have a DOT code, they may be scammers or an illegal operation that could end up scamming you. Protect yourself and check.

Choose a moving company that has a reputation for making happy customers. Just like in the food business, if a restaurant is shady or unsanitary the reviews will reflect that. Moving companies rely heavily on online reviews and less on word of mouth than restaurants. So if you would like to understand how customers are responding to a particular company, reach out to Yelp or Google. If the company doesn’t have a Yelp or Google account, leave them alone. There is an extremely high chance you will have a scammer that will rip you off.